
Where’s my ship?

by Stephanie Hurd in Uncategorized
September 4, 2014 0 comments

I remember watching a movie once where there was a big hurricane that blew through an island. Island life is often dependant on a ship that comes in and brings supplies. The islanders were asked to gather all the food and it would be rationed until the next ship came in. People died on the island waiting for the ship to come in but many survived due to this tactic.

I am now about to compare this to goal making. Sometimes with goal making we make one ultimate goal not thinking about “Rationing” the ideas, making smaller goals or “Gathering” advice from others before doing it.

When we don’t prepare for what happens while the Ship is still on its way, we can be left in dire circumstances. Sometimes when I have set a goal, it starts out well and then ends in a different way.

When I finally got on my medicine, I was able to plan better than I had in my entire life. I wanted to move out of my house as life was no longer able to happen for me there. I saved money and thought of a utopian roommate who I got along with normally.

I had a full time job. I thought my ship had come in. What I didn’t do is realize that with goals, nothing always goes the way I want.

I injured myself just before I was looking to move out. This put me on worker’s compensation…60% of my wage. My neck hurt so bad I couldn’t hunt for apartments which meant the future roommate would be responsible.

Julia (Name changed) and I agreed to live in the basement suite. I didn’t like the kitchen and lack of space. However, the upstairs was also for rent. Quickly, I asked her to change over and she agreed…though couldn’t afford it. I offered to pay the difference.

Eventually she decided not to move in as to her it didn’t feel like Julia’s place.

NO! My ship was supposed to be in! How was I supposed to do this? I thought the whole world was crumbling. I thought it was no longer happening and that all my chips depended on a roommate.

My stepmother proved I could still do this by myself. AND I did. My ship came in, I had roommates come and go but here it was.

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Nothing is forever. The point is, if the ship is not coming in, maybe it is time to change up the plan or get rid of the plan all together.

You have to ask:

Is this goal making me happy? Are you waking up excited to preform this goal? If not maybe it must be modified. Sometimes if a goal is too big, it is hard to see how it can be, go get advice from an outside source not connected to it.

Have I seen anything come from this goal? In a financial investment or a job setting, this could be earning money or possibly moving up in the work force. If this is not giving you an outcome that is helping you, CUT TIES. Don’t wait. Hyper focusing on this goal may hurt you.

Am I achieving it or is it hindering me from other goals that I could be achieving? Imagine a five year plan for your life. If you see it hurting you in the next five years GET RID OF IT! I had to be realistic on my schooling, I had to break down what I needed versus what I wanted for pride sake. If it isn’t adding to you STOP!

Is my goal hurting anyone else around me, like family or friends? IF SO, STOP, think about if it is worth it. Is it worth ruining your family’s finances to hold onto a possibility of having your ship come in? Is it worth slandering a friend to get what you want?

DON’T FALL FOR TOMORROW! This is my final word of advice. If you are working on an investment or work goal, don’t fall for “It’s coming tomorrow” especially when tomorrow never seems to come and deadlines for tomorrow keep pressing forward to another day. If you can’t see results from what you are doing within a few months GET OUT.

Especially work-wise, you have to remember, your time is worth something. If you keep getting promised to be paid but aren’t being paid. CUT YOUR LOSSES! It is better to lose out on some money and find a job that pays you than to stay in it and lose out of opportunity that may not be as much but in the long run is steady.

So ship, I may look for you to come in but I promise I will build the boat to guide you in so I don’t hurt people with my goals, I get what I want and become the happiest me.

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