
Anxiety and ADHD

by Stephanie Hurd in Uncategorized
February 13, 2015 0 comments

ADHD symptoms can be very interesting to say the least. When you are passionate and you worry others won’t be for instance, anxiety may happen. When you want something done right and procrastinate planning of it, you may become anxious.

Most ADHDers love the crunch time. However, do the people around you love it? Yesterday I dealt with an unmedicated person. I love this person very dearly. However, her anxious energy brought stress to a lot of people. Certain people that do not know her asked me, “Was she upset at us? Or is she just upset?”

I told them no, she is not upset, she just has a lot on her plate.

Anxiety found in me, you and the common ADHDer has a profound effect on others. They can feel it. If you are upset, they may feed off your energy and the situation becomes almost unbearable.

How do we deal with this?

UNDERSTAND ADHD, specifically yours. This may be tough to do. However, I have gotten my mother and others to help me spotting triggers that cause me to become very anxious.
Most of my personal anxiety woes have to do with not understanding what people are saying. Maybe they are communicating ineffectively with me or I with them. Whichever one it is, I am working with a councillor to be able to vocalize better and to ask more questions. This is beginning work for me.


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Taking a few deep breaths yesterday helped me a lot. I had to play piano yesterday. I have qualms about playing in public in general as for me, I play by ear. Different sounds can distract me. I need to remain focused. By breathing I was able to get back to it instead of focusing on others anxious energy.


NOT EVERYTHING IS AS IT SEEMS! This is when Negative Monster enters stage left. The negative monster tells you mean stuff about yourself, others or the situation. It is not always as it seems. Sometimes you need to go into yourself and ask, “Is this situation right or am I making it bigger?” Other times you need a friend to ask that to. They see a bigger picture than you do as they are not emotionally, physically or socially attached to it.

BASIC NEEDS! My husband yells at me for this one all the time. Did I hydrate? This is usually the first cause of my anxiety. I didn’t eat or drink enough. If you find yourself overly anxious, drink/eat something.


SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT! I couldn’t live my life without this. I have good friends at work, I have my Step Mom who is probably about the best sounding board I have ever had. I have my husband.
Yesterday, I had to focus my one friend. As I knew what I needed for focus, it helped me to get answers. I touched her shoulder and made her do eye contact in order to receive answers I needed.

So to conclude, when you understand your ADHD, take a breath (Or ten), knowing the situation may be better than we think, meeting basic needs and getting support; we are able to become the best people we can be.

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