

by Stephanie Hurd in Uncategorized
November 29, 2014 0 comments

I love art. One thing I love most is how the same picture if recoloured differently can mean different things to me.

This is the original, what do you see? Eeyore. In this picture, Eeyore is smiling a bit. His eyes seem tired, the sky is a bit dark but, he still is smiling a bit. However, change the color perspective and what do you have?


A blue Eeyore, a colour that may represent sadness to some. To others it is a calming colour that brings about peace and allows us to look inward. It may be that Eeyore is calm.

Change his colour again and you have a pinky background which looks more cheerful.


So what is the point? Perspective.
What I have seen with Eeyore is he is often slow moving. When things work out, they don’t completely work out for poor Eeyore. His house is flimsy. The grey donkey directly ask for help but will moan until people help him. He cares but doesn’t show it the way some people do. Eeyore shows he cares often by disappearing so that people don’t have to worry about him.

I have had to learn to see the perspective with some of my Eeyore persona. Not to believe that things won’t work themselves out completely, I often will fight the people who are telling me it is okay, I am okay. Not asking for help but complaining until someone helps. Disappearing so the people who want to be heard can be heard because I don’t feel I need or deserve it.

Perspective! To know that it is up to you to make that connection that the world may not always be dark and gloomy but may become cheery. Perspective, to see gloomy times and how they made you stronger.

Changing your perspective can be hard. I work on it everyday. Seeing my past more like a movie that has a conclusion instead of a Dr. Who TV show that keeps reincarnating over and over and effecting the very fabric of my timeline.

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Now, I must admit, as a person with ADHD, my brain sometimes does the thinking, whether positive or negative, faster than I have time to change it. However, we can learn how to have a better perspective and like an artist, use different techniques to display a new and distinct way to have a innovative perspective that will enhance our lives.

How do we do this?

BREATHE! Yes, sounds silly but it works. I went to an ADHD conference. One of the techniques a doctor used with his ADHD patients to slow their mind down was to have them look up at the ceiling and take a couple of deep breaths. This helped them to formulate more complete ideas.

FOCUS ON THE WHOLE PICTURE! This one has made the past easier to swallow. It is easy to delete the positive out of an experience especially when your home life wasn’t always a cup of cherries. Let’s face it, no life we live can be completely positive or completely negative, it’s all in how we view it.
We have to formulate almost a thought tree. The thought is like a twig on your tree. A twig, the negative or positive thought, connects to the branch. The branch or bigger reason this thought comes out it connected to a trunk which could be a memory that has a negative or positive spin on what is going on in your life. The roots are connected to the trunk which is the unconscious mind and how it views any similar situations connected to the memory.
Once we can focus on the whole picture instead of just the twig, we can change the perspective. We can prune the parts we don’t want or just plant a new seed and get a sturdier tree.

WHAT CAN I CHANGE RIGHT NOW? If nothing, move on, it is either someone else’s problem, not the time/place or just the way it is. If there are solutions, take your breath and focus on the whole picture, find what is good, what’s not working and what you can do about it.

TRUST! There is no real good and bad because no matter if it effects you in a positive or negative way, you learn from it. This is the hardest thing that I am learning, trust in the experience. Trust that it will turn out in the end.

DISTANCE YOURSELF! You cannot always remove the sad or depressed people in your life that may damper your perspective. You have to learn there may be times where we have to deal with them. However, find the time to breath and to renew yourself before you drain yourself. If you can, disconnect with people who are draining as much as possible.

To wrap it all up in a tiny bow, perspective changes with time. If you feel your sad, “I can’t do anything right.” moments come out, know that it takes work. It doesn’t happen all in one day. Keep working and you will shine.

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