Respect, consideration—high regard. To hold someone high in ones persona—to allow people to be considered before decisions might be made. Respect is something that is a must in relationships. What are signs of respect?
1) Someone who values you as a person. Who sees you as a unique individual.
2) A person who tries not to degrade you.
3) A person who looks at you and accepts you for you who are but at the same time in a nice way tries to leave you better than you are.
4) Someone who asks for your opinion and values it. They may not always agree but they do listen to you and take what you say into your heart.
5) A person who just doesn’t do just what they want to do but asks you for your opinion.
Respect is important. It is something that is valuable. When one does not respect someone they…
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2) They tease you and display your bad points—sometimes to make themselves feel better and other times to have a laugh at your expense.
3) They constantly try to change you. They want to mould you into what they want you to be.
4) They think your ideas aren’t great or cut you off before you have a chance to share. They leave you out of conversations.
5) A person jumps into things that effects you without asking.
Respect in one’s life is important. I encourage everyone to remember these things and keep them in their heart.