
Nutrition! Nutrition! ADHD! Nutrition! Nutrition!

by Stephanie Hurd in Uncategorized
March 19, 2012 0 comments

Biggest problem of ADHD 101, we don’t eat enough or we eat too much. We don’t eat enough especially when we get side tracked (like painting for six hours straight without taking a break) or we eat too much when we feel bad. Food can be the best and worst enemy of a relationship. It can prove a nemesis as you can’t think straight (More so than normal) when you don’t eat properly, both too little and too much.

Things I have learned this weekend, vitamins do make a difference. Having the right amount of vitamins, proteins and minerals when you can’t seem to eat the amounts the experts think you can is a very wise plan. According to the Canadian Food guide, you are supposed to have around 5-10 servings of grains/veggies (Avoid too much grain for ADHD as it burns right through you), 2-4 servings of milk products (Two for women) and 2-4 servings of meat products (Two for women, more for breast feeding women). That’s a lot of food!!!!

When you’re on ADHD Stimulant medicine it makes things ten times worse. Sometimes, I can barely down an apple sauce as I feel so full. Then at work about an hour later I feel like I’m dying as I couldn’t eat anything an hour before (Don’t let this get you down about ADHD medicine…it can help and does help some people). I then have to wait until I get home or people at work make me eat their food and I feel like a beggar as I don’t bring a lunch to work (I eat at home). To solve that, bring snacks and stick them in your pocket or in your desk.

The other day I had an unplanned medication vacation (The difference between planned and unplanned is my husband plans things so I am well stimulated) and reverted into hyper focus mode.  Worse than that, I didn’t feel like taking my vitamins. Five hours of playing a silly game later… my husband had to beg me to eat. Although he made all my favourites, I was not hungry, I didn’t feel it.

This is where it is hard to be an ADHDer’s spouse. You feel like you want to shove the food down like you would when you spoon feed a child (Well that and just pull the plug on the game). You can’t do that! You know they’re an adult. They aren’t making the right decision but at that moment, they can’t. I have physically felt like I was being restrained stomach wise. I didn’t feel the hunger, I couldn’t feel it. Why would I eat if I wasn’t hungry? I was too focused on other things.

What did Michael do? Ah, quite simply he did what any sneaky husband would do. He began offering me drink choices. Somehow (And don’t ask me how he did it) he got to smoothie. I love fruit smoothies! Even though at first when he put it in front of me, I didn’t want it. “I’m fine!” I declared.

However, I wasn’t seeing what he was seeing. He was seeing a woman with sunken eyes who seemed weak and was talking in a very monotone voice. What Michael was used to was a happy go lucky young woman who had a lot of energy.

So, he began to say cheers stating, “If I drink, you have to drink.”

We said, “Cheers” to all sorts of things. To being a sexy wife, to the nice glass I was drinking out of. I was laughing so hard I couldn’t seem to get in a breath between drinking the smoothie and giggling. After finishing it, I suddenly had an appetite. I ate the whole meal.
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So what happened then? Why didn’t I want to eat? Emotions a bit, gaming a bit and just lack of desire to have food was what happened. So, what do you do?

Number one, get in a good habit now, make a plan. The hardest part for wanting to be better is to plan it. Tell someone what you plan to do. They will help with brainstorming. If you find you are more agitated, sad or just plain hard to deal with due to lack of food, figure out when these times are and how the problem can be avoided—believe me they can be avoided.

Make your lunch the night before as well as plan on snacks. You’re more likely to eat if you have something to bring. Plan to eat a big breakfast and four to five smaller meals if you have a small appetite like me. Smaller meals means you get what you need and won’t night binge. My night binging has been bad at times and can lead to weight gain which leads to less motivation then this turns into more procrastination.

Forget lunches? Tape a sticky note to your front door, a bright one. Put on it the basics of life (examples: Keys, wallet, cell phone, LUNCH/SNACKS)

Next, make a deadline to start these things. Unless you have a deadline, you won’t do it. At work we call these action plans. Break down your deadlines into smaller deadlines. For instance, I want to eat more veggies at lunch is your goal. Research food guides by March 21st. Next, how many veggies am I supposed to have a day? How can I divide this into lunch, supper and breakfast so I don’t get overwhelmed…I will start meal planning and have it done the first Monday of the week. I will make my healthy lunch goal by making lunches two hours before bed.

Thirdly and this is important, have someone to answer to. If you do this, you’re more likely to accomplish your goals. I know I have done better at something when I have someone to answer to.

Anyway, eat healthy and remember, it does affect moods—I have become more of a stubborn person when I don`t eat. I sometimes shake or don’t hear whole sentences and completely zone out. I become what my husband lovingly refers to as, a zombie, just moving but no real purpose.

I will continue to make a goal to eat better. Not just for me but for those around me. I handle situations better at work. There was a big mess at the end of my day for instance that I breezed through. Even though it was almost the end of the day and I was slightly behind. Thanks to my vitamins I seemed to have a calm head in the afternoon (As I wasn’t able to eat much at lunch). I was most relaxed.

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