
When will I be what I want to be?

by Stephanie Hurd in Uncategorized
September 9, 2014 1 comment

ADHD is not who I am but part of who I am. At times I am almost screaming wanting to just understand when I will become what I want to be. There are so many things I do want.

I want to for instance have my own place where I can paint the walls. I want to be able to afford a child without living with my parents. I want a lot of things.

However, I know that without a plan I will never be the best me. All of these things go on hold.

So what do you want to be? It is funny, they asked me this in high school. I didn’t know how to answer them. How can you know what you want to be at fifteen? I didn’t even know what I wanted for breakfast half the time.

Some of us can be very mature and know what they want. Others of us are still figuring it out one day at a time.

It took me a long time to discover what I wanted. I went from wanting be a surgeon to being a recreation therapy aide. At first I thought I was a failure, then I realized something. A surgeon fixes the bodies, I fix the hearts and souls of people.

How did I figure out what I was supposed to be? It took a long and lengthy process. However, I figured it out. Some of it was luck, being assigned there for work experience. The rest was hard work, school and upgrading.

For some of us though, our plans are written as we go. Others need some pointers, especially when our self esteem and priorities are off.

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What do you want? Hard question to ask but important. Write down some of the things you want in life. Put them in smaller categories and break them down. If you have issues with writing it. Grab a friend.

Look in the mirror and say, “I am beautiful/handsome” Sounds weird right? I know, but to be able to love yourself and mean it means the world. If you love you then others have a much easier time loving you. If you don’t believe in yourself others won’t believe in you either.

Talk to others and be willing to change. Sometimes you need the criticism in order to understand yourself. It is not easy to hear. Sometimes a spouse can give you advice that is tough to hear. However, remember, it is probably tough because it is true. You want to be the best you? Well then you have to change yourself…no one else can do it for you.

Shadow someone who looks successful. There is nothing worse than not knowing how to do it, become what you want to be. Someone who has been there and done that, may be able to help you. I have had to shadow others to figure out how to function as a person better as sometimes my parents were unable or ill equip to be my role models.

SMILE SMILE SMILE! A smile goes a long way. Makes you look confident and tricks your brain into being confident. Ha! Love how the brain works, don’t you?

There are more suggestions that have helped me and others but we’ll get into that later.

Mainly just remember, you are the only one who is holding you back. You can do anything.

1 Comment
  1. Swain-"All the "lawsuits" are just delay tactics by Obama operatives "Orly Taitz" (a known communist) and others. They keep you going "yeah, this is it, this time we'll win, he'll be off the ballot" until it's too late." -Anonymous^^^^THEM.(It looks like you are going to be one of the last one in on the joke.)

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