
Being Secure with You: Understanding yourself.

by Stephanie Hurd in Uncategorized
October 18, 2012 3 comments

Understanding yourself, this is another one of those ones ADDers love to leave on the self shelf.  It is hard because we expect others to understand us. We want them to know us inside and out. Often times we forget that we have to understand ourselves too.

So, why am I mentioning this as a way to be secure in your surroundings? I am going to use a model of the Chakras to help you see my point. To give some background, this concept comes from Buddhist and Hindu roots. These are sort of your “Power Centers” of your body. As one part of your power center is fulfilled, you can move onto another power center. It is sort of like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. One need cannot be filled without the other.

If you don’t understand the parts of you that need fulfilling, instead of becoming your greatest power center, these areas of your life become an individual’s greatest excuses. For example, take the root Chakra, it known as a survival and stability Power center. (The physical location of this power center is by the tailbone) If you are not taking care of your needs, like getting a job that gives you enough money to survive, your excuse can be: Well, it’s not my fault, the job just hasn’t plopped into my lap and that’s why I live off the government.

So, to understand yourself, first you must be able to provide for yourself to be grounded and stable…

A person who is fulfilling this need will be eating right. With my ADHD medicine it is hard to eat at the scheduled times I am supposed to. I sometimes am full at lunch and starving two hours before I go home. Not to mention, I don’t like preparing things when I get home (As I go home for breaks).  So this is one I have to work on. If anyone has suggestions for quick easy things to make that fill you (But look small) I would love to hear it. I have a lot of troubles with this one.

A person who is fulfilling their “Root” needs will be energetic and fully alive. They love who they are. So, to understand yourself, you must love you. As you love you, even your bad points, you become a better more energetic person. This can be hard. As like I said in the security of letting go, you have to let go of what’s bad about you. You then have to be secure enough to reprogram so you’re happier.

You can tell if you are fulfilling these Power centers by watching out for the negatives that are going on in your life. If the negatives are there, we have some work to do. If you have a lack of confidence, you need to work on your root needs. In this sense, you will feel unworthiness, self doubt and shame. The negative monster will bounce up and down and say, “You don’t deserve love!” or “No one will ever understand you!”  You also always want to have more material stuff and become obsessed with it.

When you see the negative monster pop out and leave these things on your mind, you have to go back to the “Root” of the problem. Do things that allow you to be secure. Find employment that allows you have enough money to go around. Pay off debts. Budget your money so you pay your bills first. Give yourself a food allowance so you don’t overbuy at the grocery store. Eat healthier and you will have more energy (I learned that the hard way…too much Mac Donald’s makes a person too tired to live life).

Make choices…make choices to do  things that allow you to be happy. Appreciate nature by going for walks. Dance and exercise to show your body you love it. Wear clothes that make you happy. Allow yourself to love.

To understand yourself further, you have to radiate with warmth and compassion…

This is Sacral Chakra, located in the lower abdomen, is important to understanding yourself. Once you’re grounded, only then can you become compassionate for one has to love themselves before they can be warm to others. When you don’t work on your stability, you may have some ability to help others and be compassionate but it may be for the wrong reasons.

To be in balance here, you must be able to be friendly. So, saying hi to people in the morning…or having a general concern for others needs. Most people who radiate with warmth have a great sense of humor and don’t take things to heart so quickly. As you are more compassionate, you feel like you belong as others feel love radiating from you.  When you are warm, you are also more able to create and make beautiful things.

How do we know if we need help in this area? We will be negative and gossip about those around us constantly. I notice when I need work on this area of my life is when I decide to judge people or allow others judgements to set into my brain.

A person who is lacking in warmth will be jealous and fearful of others as they have lost their love of themselves and others. Like the bully who worked alongside me, for example. When she saw me walk in with bright clothes, she basically gave a look of disgust. It wasn’t because of my clothes…it was because she was only allowed to wear one color and I was unlimited now. (It was her problem and I shrugged it off, continuing to wear pretty clothes)

Often people will also be very clingy to sexual energy. They will overindulge and revel in it instead of using it as the beautiful expression it is. They use it as they are craving warmth that is missing within them.

So, how to we understand this power center within us? Create. Create new ideas, new works of art or whatever makes you happy. Sing, laugh, and share moments of joy with others.

To understand yourself you must find personal power…

The Solar Plexus, located above your belly button, is associated with your will power. A person in this state has an easy time being cheerful and outgoing. They are more relaxed in a social setting and with challenging new things. They look intelligent and seem very skillful.

A person who has trouble in this area of their life is normally very depressed—not clinically but a sort of situational depression. This is due to the lack of confidence in them thus; they are unable to move forward due to self doubt. They worry about what others think of them, holds them back. The people who are not filling this power center need lots of reassurance. They are also jealous people and are afraid of doing things by themselves.

To keep this energy balanced, think of all the things that you are good at. Try not to second guess yourself so much. Have the will power to get things done to the best of your ability. Try to see challenges not as something scary but as something to learn from. Try not to make excuses for what you’re not good at, apologize and work to become better. Strive to become more independent.

Try to understand yourself become loving…

The heart Chakra, located…well it’s obvious where it is located, is a winning situation. The more love one gives, the more love one receives. This powerful center allows a person to see the good within people. You have  a desire to help people and be in healthy relationships that make you feel good. You love what you do and who you are and people can see it all over your face. You are able to give your love freely without wanting something in return.

When you know you need help in this area, you’ll be paranoid, not trusting many people. You’re afraid of letting go of relationships even if they’re sour. You’re afraid of change, even if the results could be positive. You feel unworthy of love and you’re terrified of rejection.

Constantly remember the love and beauty that surrounds us everywhere. Look at animals and how they love so freely without conditions. Look at babies and how they smile. Forgive yourself daily for what you lack and remind yourself that you love you. Always be thankful for what you have, the love you have in your life.

I am most grateful for my husband Michael. He is so precious to me. Every day I am looking up at him and thinking how lucky I was to have found him. I hope you can all do the same. Even if it is just appreciation for a family member or a friend, this is where you are thankful for love.

Try to understand yourself through communicating…

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When one is deficient in this area they are scared people. They hold back parts of them and are most quiet. They are weak, conniving…always trying to manipulate. They cannot communicate their thoughts well thus they feel and create conflict.

To bring about your energy, laugh. Laugh out loud and don’t hold back. Use humor.  Sing, if you can’t sing, listen to uplifting music that displays happiness and understanding of you.

Try to understand yourself through finding your higher self…

The Third Eye Chakra, between your eyebrows, is a higher version of you. You become a more magnetic person, drawing people to you. You are able to receive guidance and take it so you can master yourself. You don’t really care about material things in the sense that if you get them that’s great and if you don’t, oh well. You realize you can complete you, no one else can do that for you.

What’s the opposite? When you’re low in this power center, you are unable to fight for what you believe in. You’re undisciplined and very afraid of achieving things. You are over sensitive to what people say and do.

To balance this, trust yourself. What I mean is, if people are giving you good advice, take it. Do not be prideful and dismiss it. Meditate to find the inner wisdom on things you don’t understand. Learn, Learn and learn more. I can never stop learning. By learning, you will always gain success.

You can understand yourself through…simply understanding…

This power center, the Crown Chakra (Crown of the head)  is simply to completely understand yourself on a deeper level. To be able to change your old programming at the involuntary level, things that have been controlling you for a while. Allowing that programming to disappear into the background and just to love people for who they are. To have control over your dreams and aspirations and to be passionate about life and joy in general is a big part of this power. To understand why you get angry and change your trigger so you can be a happier person. See how powerful you can be?

A person who has a depletion of power has no essence of joy in their lives at all and have severe troubles with decision making. They are lifeless and don’t know how to move forward. Their lives have no direction as they don’t understand where they are going.

For one to understand themselves fully, they need to be at peace with themselves before they can do this. I didn’t think so but now I know better. You can survive being at peace with pieces of you. However, it is not as joyful. They need to find peaceful places to be where they feel they can be themselves and let go. Mine oddly enough is writing these things.

This power center, the Crown Chakra (Crown of the head)  is simply to completely understand yourself on a deeper level. To be able to change your old programming at the involuntary level, things that have been controlling you for a while. Allowing that programming to disappear into the background and just to love people for who they are. To have control over your dreams and aspirations and to be passionate about life and joy in general is a big part of this power. To understand why you get angry and change your trigger so you can be a happier person. See how powerful you can be?

A person who has a depletion of power has no essence of joy in their lives at all and have severe troubles with decision making. They are lifeless and don’t know how to move forward. Their lives have no direction as they don’t understand where they are going.

For one to understand themselves fully, they need to be at peace with themselves before they can do this. I didn’t think so but now I know better. You can survive being at peace with pieces of you. However, it is not as joyful. They need to find peaceful places to be where they feel they can be themselves and let go. Mine oddly enough is writing these things.


To summarize, remember, understand that you can be a complete person when you feel a spiritual connection to inner peace. Find peaceful things to do and remember you do have purpose as well as direction(Crown) . You can always value your higher self, you are a strong individual and you are able to support yourself (Third eye). Chose to listen as well as only communicate things that are good as well as true (Throat). Love yourself and others without any conditions or expectations (Heart). Only you have power over you, no one else can control you (Solar Plexus). Feel all that is compassionately warm in your life and release yourself from anger, hate and doubt (Sacral). Remember to care for yourself by becoming more stable in your life(Root).

I am Stephanie, I have ADHD, and I am learning to become more powerful by understanding that I am not worthless. I am not joyless, weak, rejected, hateful or erratic. I am only these things if I let myself be. By understanding that I am beginning to realize, it is me who needs to understand me.




  1. ok, now that you put it that way, i’m definitely gonna try tatsunoya someday. i’ve been looking for good ramen places in seattle… any recommendations? been to samurai, tsukushinbo, and aloha ramen. nothing “life changing” so far.

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  3. Al presuntamente llamado Komisario Parrokias | 26 julio, 2011 at 15:54 |¡Denuncie a sus cómplices o calle para siempre!Me quedé corto al calificar de Girondinos a los habitantes de Tomellosigrad. Al fin y al cabo los Girondinos eran republicanos, aunque moderados. Los dirigentes de la falsamente llamada “República Socialista de la Manxa Occipital” son chouanes contrarrevolucionarios, Vendéeans de la más reaccionaria calaña, para los que solo cabe el “Populicidio” (Babeuf), antecesor del moderno Genocidio y de la “Solución Final”. Quien genocida primero genocida dos veces.El Terror llega. Temblad, traidores.

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